Martha’s Place Hospital Gift Shop raises a significant amount of money for the Aberdeen Hospital Auxiliary.  Martha’s Place was renamed in honour of our friend and tireless volunteer Martha MacDonald.  It is located in the hospital’s main lobby, and offers staff and visitors a wonderful selection of gift items, clothes, confections and healthy snacks. 

 Gift Shop Spring 17


Come and browse the gift items,clothing,jewelry, children's toys and novelties.  Martha's Place is tax-exempt, not-for-profit gift shop that supports the work of the Aberdeen Hospital Auxiliary. 



Store Hours
Monday - Friday

10 am - 4 pm

Saturday & Sunday

12 pm - 6 pm

For more store information please call (902)-752-8664 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Become a Gift Shop Volunteer

Interested in Volunteering in Martha's Place Hospital Gift Shop?

To become a gift shop volunteer contact:

Aberdeen Hospital
Carolyn Langille, Gift Shop Manager
c/o Martha’s Place Hospital Gift Shop
835 East River Road
New Glasgow NS B2H 3S6

Phone: 902-752-8664